Know the Types of Wine

Hi! This time we will discuss about Wine. For those of you who are still confused about the types of wine available, what are the right food choices, so read on until the end

Wine is a fermented drink made from black grapes or white grapes. Wine was first made hundreds of years ago. There are several sources that inform that wine was first made around 6000 BC or BC (Before Christ).

Now, there are several types of wine, let’s get acquainted with each type. Talking about wine won’t be complete if you don’t talk about food pairing, aka what foods are suitable for each type of wine. The right combination of food and wine can improve your dining experience, you know!

1. Red Wine

Quoted from jimmys sports lounge red wine is made from fermented black grapes. All parts of the black grapes are fermented including the seeds and skins, which are the skins of the black grapes that give the wine its color. Hence the name. Because it is also fermented with the seeds, this red wine contains high tannins. Tannin adds bitterness to the wine, that’s why you might find red wine to taste more bitter than the others.

High tannin wine is suitable for eating foods that contain high fat or „heavy“ foods, for example steaks, burgers, and others.

Red wine also has several other types, which are widely known are: Pinot Noit, Syraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.

Tip: The younger the wine, the higher the tannin content. It is better if you choose wine that is mature (> 5 years) so that the taste is not too bitter.

2. White wine

White wine is made by fermenting black grapes and white grapes. In white wine, the skin of the black grapes is not fermented, so the color becomes clear. Typically, white wine tastes lighter than red wine.

White wine goes well with light-tasting foods, such as seafood; fish, scallops, prawns, pasta

Types of white wine include: Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, etc.

Tips: White wine is better to drink cold. You can put your wine bottle in a bucket filled with ice. But don’t put ice in your white wine! It’s a big NO 🙁

3. Rose wine

Rose wine is synonymous with pink. Rose wine is made from the fermentation of black grapes and white grapes as well, but the difference is that with white wine, the skins of the black grapes participate in the fermentation process, but not for a long time (not during the fermentation of red wine). That’s why you got some colors on the Rose 😉

Because of its sweet and light taste, Rose is suitable to be eaten with foods that taste light. Rose is also generally drunk in summer. Imagine on a sunny sunny afternoon, you drink Rose wine with snacks, I’d be automatically happy 😀

4. Sparkling wine

Sparkling wine is also made from fermented black grapes and white grapes. What’s the difference? It has some sparks! Usually called the „bubbles“. In Sparkling wine, the fermentation process is carried out 2 times to get these „bubbles“.

Sparkling wine goes well with foods that taste light like chips, cheese and salads.


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