Types of Drugs (Narcotics and Drugs)

The content contained in these drugs can indeed have a bad impact on health if misused. According to the Law on Narcotics, the types are divided into 3 groups based on the risk of dependence.

Narcotics Category 1

Class 1 narcotics such as cannabis, opium, and coca plants are very dangerous if consumed because of the high risk of causing addictive effects.

Narcotics Category 2

While class 2 narcotics can be used for treatment as long as they are in accordance with a doctor’s prescription. There are approximately 85 types of this group, some of which are like Morphine, Alfaprodina, and others. Group 2 also has a high potential to cause dependence.

Narcotics Category 3

And finally, class 3 narcotics have a fairly mild risk of dependence and are widely used for treatment and therapy. As mentioned above, there are several types of drugs that can be obtained naturally, but some are made through chemical processes. If based on the ingredients they are made of, the types of narcotics include:

Synthetic Type Narcotics

This type is obtained from a complicated processing process. This group is often used for medicinal and research purposes. Examples of synthetic narcotics such as amphetamines, methadone, dexamphetamine, and so on.

Semi Synthetic Type Narcotics

Processing uses the main ingredient in the form of natural narcotics which are then isolated by extraction or using other processes. Examples are Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, and others.

Natural Type Narcotics

Marijuana and coca are examples of narcotics which are natural and can be used directly through a simple process. Because the content is still strong, these substances are not allowed to be used as medicine. The dangers of this drug are very high and can cause adverse health effects if misused. One of the fatal consequences is death.

Characteristics of People Addicted to Drugs

The majority of users are not aware of the dangers of drug abuse that lurk. They only focus on momentary pleasures as an escape from life’s problems. In fact, the dangers of drugs that are left unchecked can cause a number of problems.

The impact on the physical, drugs can make sufferers look always tired. They can also experience drastic weight changes due to drugs. Other features include reddened eyes, bruising from using needles and body shaking. Symptoms due to drugs not only target the physical, but also the mental of the user. To be more vigilant, here are the characteristics of people who are addicted to drugs:

Always feel compelled to use medication regularly, maybe several times a day or every other day.
Need more drug to get the same effect.
Increasing the dose of medicine or taking it for a longer period of time than it should.
Ensuring drug supplies are always available.

For more complete and interesting information, you can try to visit the popnonline.org website page.


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