Dribbling and Passing The Basket Ball

Stand straight. If you have possession of the ball at the time of the offense, you will need to crouch in a low position to guard and protect the ball as you dribble. In proper dribbling stance, you should crouch, knees bent and shoulder-width apart, standing on your ball.
As you learn, bounce the ball continuously with each hand, back and forth between left and right to hold with your hands, remain crouched, and point opposite hips toward the basket.

Bounce the ball with your fingertips. To control the ball properly and safely, it’s important to dribble with your fingertips, not your palms. When beginners first touch the basketball, it’s common to tap or swipe with their palms instead of gripping and pushing with their fingers. With some practice, you’ll be able to get a good feel for how much force to put down the ball to get it back into your hands.
Start bouncing the ball, starting with standing. Flex your wrists to bounce the ball and try to keep your elbows on your hips and move your elbows as little as possible. Like anything else, dribbling should be on all wrists.

Basketballs usually come in four sizes: youth, intermediate, and adult sizes for men and women. Made of rubber and synthetic leather, basketballs are widely available in sports shops. Look for a ball that you can shoot comfortably without shaking your wrist. At most gyms, youth centers, and other athletic venues, you can borrow a basketball to practice with.
The ring rules are ten meters long and 18 inches (45.7 cm) in diameter, usually supported by a plexiglass board on which players can bounce shots. While full court basketball is played with two hoops, one at each end of a 94-foot long court, it only needs to have one hoop for playing a half court pick-up game, or for shooting with friends. Split into two teams. For full court games, basketball is played by two teams of five players each. Meanwhile the game is also usually played half the field with a team of three people, but if there are many people playing, try to play with an even number on each team. Alternative basketball games for uneven numbers are included in the last section. Score points by shooting the ball through the hoop. In basketball, an attacker can score between one and three points with a shot, depending on where the shot was taken.

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