Definition of a Leadership

An organization, group or company definitely needs a leader who helps direct its members to achieve common goals. In this case, the required leader must have a leadership spirit as a managerial part.

Leadership also plays an important, dominant, crucial and critical role in all efforts to improve work performance, both at the individual and organizational levels.

Therefore, you need to understand leadership theory in general, its purpose, function in an organization and some existing leadership styles, one of which is transformational leadership.

Definition of Leadership

Quoted from leadership is an ability in a person to influence other people or direct certain parties to achieve goals. Leadership theory can also be defined as a person’s ability to manage and direct a group effectively and efficiently in order to achieve goals.

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a leader is a person who must have the ability to influence or guide a group of people or parties.

Meanwhile, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, authors of the book Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge argue that leadership theory is a very influential force behind the success of an organization or company. A leader must be able to mobilize the organization to achieve the vision that has been set and become an effective organization.

Leadership has two basic concepts, namely science and art. Leadership science is a leadership theory that can be learned from various sources. You can learn this leadership theory by attending training on leadership or leadership methods.

You can also read books and discuss with other colleagues who have qualified leadership skills in studying this leadership theory.

Meanwhile, the art of leadership is a leadership method or technique in coordinating a group. This leadership method is expected to be able to form good character and performance in order to build a cohesive group in realizing goals.

Leadership Theory According to Experts

Experts who express their ideas are a form of leadership theory. Experts also have their respective opinions regarding leadership theory, as follows:

1. Moejiono (2002)

Moejiono said that leadership is a one-way influence, because leaders may have certain qualities that differentiate themselves from their followers.

Voluntary theorists (compliance induction theorists) tend to view leadership as forcing or forcing indirect influence and means of forming a group according to the wishes of its leader.

2. Wahjosumidjo (1987:11)

According to Wahjosumidjo, leadership theory is something that is inherent in a leader in the form of certain characteristics, such as personality, ability and capability.

Leadership is also a series of leader activities that cannot be separated from the position and style or behavior of the leader himself. Leadership is a process between the relationship or interaction of leaders, followers and situations.

3. Fiedler (1967)

Fiedler said that leadership theory is a pattern of relationships between individuals who use their authority and influence over groups to work together to achieve goals.


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