Usenet Newsgroup Search is a web based software for quickly find messages containing a word from an Usenet newsgroup. It features three main search functionalities: search for Usenet newsgroups, search for threads, and search for messages and files.

To download software to your PC, PCMag has the options of every kind of software category: entertainment, communications, productivity, business, education, health, and professional/technical. All files are vetted for authentication purposes, and more than just the original file is provided on request. Plus, you can download them on up to 50 different PCs at a time.

KickassTorrents is a massive tracker site that has hundreds of thousands of torrents. It is a community driven site and is one of the better places to find some of the highly sought after warez. It’s a bit of a target for copyright holders and so, the site has several server knockoffs all over the world. This site is good for downloading with a lot of different clients and it’s a great place to start when you’re just getting into torrenting. In fact, it’s become synonymous with torrenting for a lot of people.

4Chan alone is a pretty big site and there’s quite a few files available for download. As with any other site for downloading cracked software, there’s a large number of malware and virus files so it’s best to use the built-in BitSnoop for protection.

Mega is one of the oldest and most popular sites for finding thousands of torrents. The site has an enormous community and has expanded with its newest release, and some of the content is definitely missing. But you still find the very popular torrents as well as some lesser known stuff.


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