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Sometimes websites just feel like speed traps. Youll be forced to download a torrent and then have to watch ads and/or interact with the site. Get free torrents straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter, it’s easy. Launched back in 2012, uTorrent is among one of the most popular torrent clients. It […]

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4Gapps has a huge repository of top tier Android apps. They provide software in the form of APK files which you can download to your Android phone and install them easily. Their collection of applications is extensive and includes games, drivers, mobile apps, and much more. Host in a hurry? Can’t find a free […]

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This website is a free sharing website where you can download cracked software, movies, music and pretty much anything you want. Its interface is quite similar to the other websites we have tried but it has its own unique features that people seem to really like. It also has an auto updater so […]

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Here is a website that claims to be the biggest crack website on the internet. The creators of this website have managed to gather over 50,000 free cracked software titles from various software developers. They have also compiled the best cracked software on the internet which includes cracked games, cracked applications, cracked firmware for […]

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Kilos is a mobile apps store for Android users and they have 60,000 apps available to choose from. According to their website, their goal is to spread the wealth, by giving everyone the ability to download apps for free. The best thing about Kilos apps store is they are user-friendly and you just have […]

Best Site for download Excel Sybase Anywhere Import, Export Convert Software Download [Updated]

Galaxy File Finder is a website for users to download cracked software from and it is one of the top websites to download free games legally. This website has a huge selection of cracked software. You can download software like xbox360 games, pc games, pc download games and many more. is a website […]

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So every tool which allow you to save, open, view and open web pages online are called spider & hacker. So you need a spider or a hacker to penetrate the firewalls of those websites to see exactly what they have to offer. However, this is not something that is allowed to be done […]

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Its the most enjoyable, reliable and still one of the largest download sites on the internet. Whether you need to download cracked apps, movie torrents or software, you’ll find it here. Best of all, it’s totally free! Another great torrent site that’s been around for a while (but still pretty much free), Rapidshare is […]

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