Worldwide Typical Indonesian Food

Worldwide Typical Indonesian Food Indonesia has very diverse culinary destinations, in fact each region has its own special food. Of course, as a culinary lover, you need to know exactly what Indonesian specialties are, which are well-known all over the world, are you curious? It is common knowledge that food in Indonesia is famous for […]

Info on the History of Podcast Terms

Info on the History of Podcast Terms The term podcast was first proposed by The Guardian journalist, Ben Hammersley, in 2004. The word ‚podcast‘ is an abbreviation derived from play-on-demand and broadcast. The following phrase was then adopted by products from Apple, namely the iPod and the Apple Podcasts application. About one yr. Since Apple […]

Know the Effects of Marijuana on Beauty

Know the Effects of Marijuana on Beauty Several states legalize the sale of cannabis. Good for consumption at leisure as well as medical needs. One more benefit of cannabis that maybe not many people know. Cannabis can be processed into cosmetics because it has certain compounds that can inhibit the appearance of aging. In December […]

Ancient Greek Civilization

Ancient Greek Civilization Try to imagine if in this world there is no science. Of course, you also can not enjoy technological advances. Just to the point, there will be no long-distance communication tools, no democratic country system, no doctors who can help you when you’re sick, even if you don’t have the ability to […]

Types of Housing Before Buying Your Dream House

Types of Housing Before Buying Your Dream House   As an area of shelter and gathering with family, shelter is a primary human need. Not surprisingly, when choosing a residence we have to consider many things. Plus there are several types of housing in Indonesia. Developers often provide frills such as clusters, residences, to townhouses. […]


LSD DISEASE IN COW: SYMPTOMS, CAUSES, AND HOW TO MANAGE IT In January 2023, residents in the Kulon Progo area were shocked by the emergence of a new disease that attacks cattle, namely LSD (Lumpy Skin Disease). Even though it is not widely known by the general public, veterinarians at the health center are already […]

Bluefin Tuna, The World’s Most Expensive Seafood

Bluefin Tuna, The World’s Most Expensive Seafood Not only puffer fish, Japan also serves one of the most expensive seafood dishes in the world. Bluefin tuna is the most expensive of all types of fish, but that doesn’t stop Japanese people from eating it. In 2013, sushi restaurant owner Kiyoshi Kimura spent $1.76 million or […]

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