Filling Low Calorie Foods

The human body actually needs calories to be used as energy. However, instead of the spirit of activity, too much calorie intake can make you gain weight. This is because calories can be stored in the body as fat tissue for energy reserves please visit my website.

1. Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is one of the favorite diet foods. This is because chicken breast is lean meat which is also low in calories, but high in protein. Chicken breast also contains niacin, selenium, and vitamin B12 which of course is very good for the health of the body. In 85 grams of chicken breast, it can contain around 100 calories. For those of you who are diet fighters, the consumption of this chicken breast is suitable to be combined with steamed broccoli or other steamed vegetables.

2. Eggs

Apart from meat, chicken eggs are also a filling low-calorie food option. An egg contains about 72 calories along with 6 grams of protein, complete with vitamins and minerals that the body needs. You can boil eggs for breakfast so that you are full until lunch. In fact, you can eat egg whites raw. Per 100 grams of egg white contains about 0 grams of fiber along with 11 grams of protein and 51 calories.

3. Know

Tofu is a source of vegetable protein which is filling and good for weight control. Meanwhile, the calories are too low to be suitable for diet fighters. For example, boiled shrimp contains only about 80 calories, along with 10.9 grams of protein and 4.7 grams of fat.

4. Cod

Cod can be processed by steaming it, boiling it, and making it into a soup. In 85 grams of cod there is a content of 15 grams of protein and the number of calories is not less than 70. There is also a content of vitamin B12, niacin, and selenium which are important for the body.

5. Tuna

If eating cod is difficult, tuna can be a filling, low-calorie food option. In 100 grams of tuna meat there are about 0 grams of fiber along with 23.3 grams of protein and 108 calories. Tuna fish is popularly served in the form of sushi.

6. Shrimp

The calorie content of shrimp is low, but always filling so that it is suitable for those of you who are dieters. About 26 calories are there for 4 large shrimp you cook. If it’s not enough, try adding it with the following vegetable dish.

7. Spinach

Spinach is a green vegetable that is rich in vitamins and minerals, but low in calories. Spinach is high in vitamin K, vitamin A, and folate, and also contains a higher quantity of protein than other green leafy vegetables. In addition, spinach is a filling low-calorie food for you diet fighters. One serving of spinach (30 grams) only contains about 7 calories. Generally, spinach is processed into soup along with other mixtures such as carrots.


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