Good Daycare Criteria for Caring for Babies or Children

Before choosing the right daycare, make sure your little one is ready to spend a long time without mom or dad. This is very important, especially if the Little One has been showing possessive behavior towards Mother.

In choosing the right daycare for your little one, there are several things that mothers and fathers need to pay attention to. The following are ideal daycare criteria for babies and children:

1. Official permission

A trusted daycare, of course, must have permission to manage it. This is important to ensure the safety of the children placed there. When choosing daycare, don’t hesitate to ask the manager about it.

2. Good reputation

A good daycare has a comfortable place and a friendly nurturing environment. If you have time, stop when picking up your children to ask other parents who left their children there. Parents‘ impression of daycare is important in choosing a good daycare.

3. Qualified and responsible caregivers

Make sure daycare has a sufficient number of caregivers to care for and look after the children. It is better if the caregiver has the appropriate experience and educational background. Also consider how long they have worked there.

Not only that, make sure that one nanny doesn’t take care of too many babies and children so that your little one can always be well looked after and monitored while he is entrusted with daycare.

Ideally, a daycare nanny will care for 3–4 babies or toddlers aged 1–2 years. Meanwhile, for children aged 2–3 years, one nanny can look after 4–6 children.

For children who are older or above 3–4 years old, a nanny at a daycare can look after and care for around 6–10 children.

Caregivers must be able to interact with children, be responsible, enthusiastic and alert in a variety of circumstances. A good nanny should also ideally be attentive, caring, patient, and friendly to children. This is important so that the children who are placed there can learn, interact, and are well cared for.

4. Flexible regulations and clear protocols

It is important that daycare is flexible in terms of pick-up and delivery of children, so that it can be adjusted according to the activities and needs of mothers and fathers.

A good daycare must also have clear protocols for important or emergency matters, from how to confirm when a child must be picked up by someone else to how to handle emergencies, for example when a child is sick or injured at a daycare.

5. Structured and regular schedule

Daycare should have a structured and regular schedule for various child activities, such as physical activity, rest periods, eating and playing.

Also make sure daycare has limits and rules if it applies to time spent watching TV and videos. Apart from that, the shows that are given should also be educational and age-appropriate and don’t forget to visit our site to get other interesting information by visit lallipop daycare


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