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Friedrich Burkhardt (13 July 1854 – 25 August 1887) was a German mathematician. His surname is sometimes spelt Burkhardt or Burkardt.

Burkhardt was born in Hannover. His father was a mathematician and member of the Hannover Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Burkhardt followed his father’s steps into mathematical study. At first, Burkhardt studied mathematics under his father. He was awarded his Ph.D. in 1876 with a dissertation titled „Sur le rôle des variétés algébriques dans l’étude de la géométrie analytique et élémentaire“, and went on to teach at the Technical High School of Hannover.

According to Hackmann, Burkhardt „led the first group of German students who underwent a training in the field of variational calculus“ and had „…a lifelong influence on many mathematicians…“

Burkhardt’s specialty was variational calculus. He wrote the monograph „Die Variationsrechnung“ (German: „The Calculus of Variations“), which was reprinted several times. Burkhardt died of typhoid fever at the age of 36.


Hackmann, Wilhelm, „Briefe“, in: G. Gall, F. Hackmann, A. Youschkevitch (eds.): Albert von Freund und der Mathematiker Friedrich Burkhardt (1854–1887), München (2014)

External links

Category:1854 births
Category:1887 deaths
Category:People from Hanover
Category:19th-century German mathematicians
Category:People from the Duchy of Hanover
Category:People from Hanover-Neustadt
Category:Deaths from typhoid feverThe Seldin Foundation

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How to unlock a locked door using a spare key

I found this great puzzle on Duolingo:

My goal is to open that locked door. When I first thought about it, I realised that I would need the right key to the lock.
However, since I found the key on the ground and it opened the door, I don’t understand how that can be right key.
If I needed the right key, why would I have been able to unlock the door using the key that opened it? How do I solve this puzzle?


As you can see in the red line in the first picture, the key that unlocked the door was not the same key that is now on the ground.
This is because there were other keys to unlock the door at the time.

The following is a guest post by the Teamsters, the nation’s largest and most influential labor union.

What would happen if a three-day-old baby had been born in the 1930s and then raised by Nazis who decided to bring the baby along to a birthday party?

The baby would turn out to be Adolf Hitler.

If that sounds impossible or unbelievable, consider the fact that during the first eight years of the Trump administration, thousands of child migrants have been forced across the border by the U.S. government, where they were held by private sponsors and passed along to adult relatives—who are themselves undocumented and had no legal power to care for the children—and the adults then forged new identities for the children and lied to INS officials about their age and history.

The new report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) showing that the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy that forces thousands of children to be separated from their families at the border has in some cases left the children warehoused in prison-like detention centers is ample proof that this is exactly what’s happening.

Moreover, documents we have obtained via the Freedom of Information Act demonstrate that at least one sponsor lied to INS officials about the age of a 17-year-old migrant child to get her into the

What is the difference between The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall and Daggerfall. 22. Balance Changes. 1 Post Scripts 1.12: Save Game Loader and Win.
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