How to Make Jackfruit „Pulled Pork“ Sandwich in BBQ Restaurant

Making a Jackfruit „Pulled Pork“ Sandwich in a restaurant involves a few key steps to ensure the jackfruit is properly seasoned, cooked, and served in a way that mimics the texture and flavor of traditional pulled pork. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • Young Green Jackfruit: Use canned or fresh young green jackfruit. Make sure it’s in water or brine, not syrup.
  • BBQ Sauce: Choose your favorite BBQ sauce or make a homemade version.
  • Spices: Optional spices such as smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper.
  • Buns: Soft burger buns or sandwich rolls.
  • Coleslaw: Optional, for topping the sandwich.
  • Pickles: Optional, for serving on the side.


  1. Prepare the Jackfruit:
    • Drain and rinse the canned jackfruit thoroughly to remove any brine or excess saltiness.
    • Remove the core of the jackfruit pieces (it’s tough and not pleasant to eat) and any seeds. Shred the jackfruit pieces with your hands or a fork. The texture will resemble pulled pork strands.
  2. Seasoning and Cooking:
    • Heat a skillet or large pan over medium heat and add a bit of oil.
    • Optional: Sauté minced garlic and diced onions until softened and fragrant.
    • Add the shredded jackfruit to the skillet. Season with smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper to taste. Stir well to combine and cook for about 5-7 minutes until the jackfruit begins to soften.
  3. Add BBQ Sauce:
    • Pour your chosen BBQ sauce over the jackfruit. Use enough sauce to generously coat all the pieces. Stir well to combine.
    • Lower the heat and let the jackfruit simmer in the BBQ sauce for another 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. This allows the flavors to meld together and for the jackfruit to absorb the sauce.
  4. Assemble the Sandwich:
    • Toast the burger buns or sandwich rolls lightly.
    • Spoon a generous amount of the BBQ jackfruit mixture onto the bottom half of each bun.
    • Top with a scoop of coleslaw for added crunch and creaminess (optional).
    • Add pickles on the side for extra tang and texture (optional).
  5. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Serve the Jackfruit „Pulled Pork“ Sandwich immediately while warm.
    • Accompany with additional BBQ sauce on the side or any preferred sides like fries or salad.


  • Texture: The key to making jackfruit resemble pulled pork is in the shredding process and cooking it until it’s tender but still retains a bit of texture.
  • Flavor: Don’t skimp on seasoning and BBQ sauce. Jackfruit on its own is quite mild, so it needs the bold flavors of BBQ sauce and spices to shine.
  • Consistency: Adjust the cooking time and amount of BBQ sauce based on your desired consistency. Some prefer it saucier, while others prefer a drier texture.

By following these steps, you can create a delicious and satisfying Jackfruit „Pulled Pork“ Sandwich that appeals to both vegetarians and BBQ enthusiasts alike in your restaurant. Adjust the seasoning and sauce to suit your preferred flavor profile and customer preferences


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