Easy cafe-style snack recipe that will make your business sell well

Nowadays, cafes are a hangout place for many people. Apart from hanging out while drinking coffee, nothing would be complete without delicious and filling snacks.

If you want to open a modern cafe-style business, but are still confused about what snacks are suitable to sell in a cafe? Don’t worry, Baking Friends.

Here’s an easy cafe-style snack recipe that will make your business sell well, you know!

Curious, huh? Come on, check out the following cafe-style snack recipes according to https://orbakers.com/!

Egg Sandwiches

If the cafe starts opening in the morning, egg sandwiches can be a breakfast menu that you can offer to customers. Apart from being a breakfast menu, sandwiches are also often used as a practical food to fill your stomach when you are hungry. So sandwiches can be sold all day long, not just in the morning. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!

Belgian Liege Waffle

Belgian liege waffle can also be used as a breakfast menu in cafes. These authentic waffles are known as Belgian waffles which are crispy on the outside but still soft and light. Apart from being a breakfast menu, Belgian liege waffles are also suitable as a filling light snack menu in a cafe. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!

Pancake Soufflé

Souffle pancakes were once a cake that went viral in Indonesia. Souffle pancakes are a typical Japanese pancake, the texture is soft and really melts in the mouth. Usually this dish is served in luxury restaurants with various toppings such as ice cream, fruit syrup and others. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!


Churros can be a sweet fried snack menu that you can serve with a variety of sweet sauces such as dark chocolate, strawberry, blueberry and caramel. Churros are a very popular and viral snack in Indonesia. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!

Fruity Spring Roll

Usually there are customers who like fresh and healthy snack menus. You can offer customers a healthy snack menu such as Fruty Spring Roll. This fruit snack is really suitable for those who are on a diet program. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!

Chocolate Pie

Choco pie was once a very viral snack in a fast food restaurant, so now choco pie is still a favorite of many people. The savory texture and chocolate that melts in your mouth manages to keep you craving. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!

Egg Tarts

Egg tart is a typical Portuguese tart pastry, this snack has a soft and delicious custard filling. This typical sweet snack can be a really authentic pastry snack menu in a cafe. Check out the recipe in this article, come on!


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