How to Overcome Drug Addiction?

People who are addicted to drugs can’t just stop, even if they have the urge to do so. The reason is, drugs have affected their brains, as if they could not live without it.

Therefore, addicts often need lifelong treatment and therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist. They cannot do these steps alone.

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In order to get immediate help, drug addicts can register for rehabilitation services on the official website of the BNN’s National Rehabilitation Information System (SIRENA). Then, there are four steps that must be taken to overcome drug addiction.

1. Examination

Before starting rehabilitation, drug users must first undergo an examination to find out how far their addiction is and whether there are any side effects that arise.

In addition to tests to detect drugs in urine and blood, there are several other types of screening tests that can be done.

The test that is commonly carried out is the Drugs Abuse Screen Test (DAST). Each test contains questions about drug use and how it affects everyday life.

If it turns out that effects such as depression or behavioral disorders are found, the therapist must overcome these effects first, then carry out rehabilitation.

2. Detoxification

The next way to overcome drug addiction is detoxification. At this stage, the addict is asked to stop using illegal drugs completely.

You could say this is one of the stages that is quite heavy. The reason is, addicts may experience withdrawal reactions such as pain throughout the body as an effect of stopping drug use.

To relieve the effects of drug dependence, the doctor will give drugs such as methadone, buprenofin, or naltrexone. These drugs can also help control the addict’s desire to consume drugs.

The duration of detoxification for each person can vary, depending on the level of addiction experienced and the determination of the addict himself to recover.

3. Stabilization

After the detoxification stage, drug addicts must undergo stabilization steps. This stage aims to help long-term recovery in addicts.

During the stabilization stage, drug addicts will participate in various activities that will help the recovery process, such as spiritual coaching, counseling or psychotherapy to understand the causes of addiction and find ways to overcome them.

Drug addicts can also join communities or other survivor groups so they can share experiences with each other in dealing with drug addiction and get support and motivation from other members.

4. After Care

The final stage of drug rehabilitation is after care or further development. At this stage, drug addicts are given activities according to their interests and talents to fill their daily activities.

When they recover, they can also go home and return to normal life. However, they still require supervision from the National Narcotics Agency and carry out periodic checks as part of the recovery process.

This stage is very important, considering that many addicts who have recovered are still trying to return to using illegal drugs, to get more complete information please visit us.


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