This Syrian Recipe Is a Treasure of Middle Eastern Cuisine

This traditional Syrian recipe is a taste tour of the Middle East. Sample famous dips such as hummus, baba ghanoush and muhammara, along with main dishes such as lamb and vegetable stew, falafel, grape leaf filling, Syrian spaghetti and more. Find old favorites and discover new treasures on the page here!

Middle Eastern Kibbeh

This traditional bread is made with ground lamb, cooked bulgur wheat, chopped mint, and onions. „Kibbeh is a wonderful dish from the Middle East that is traditionally made with lamb, but beef is also acceptable,“ says Ron Shepherd. „I prefer it breaded and fried in olive oil. However, it’s most often found in restaurants grilled. Serve kibbeh with tahini, a sesame seed paste.“

Tabakh Rohoo

“This is a Syrian stew of lamb and vegetables made in layers and served with steamed rice or bulgur,” said ALMALOU. „The addition of ghee or semneh at the end of cooking is a traditional Damascene style of cooking; however, these days this dish is made without the extra fat.“


Syria as one of the countries in the Middle East indeed has a beautiful tourist attraction. However, a country that is still in conflict at this time makes it an unfriendly country for tourists to visit. However, if you have visited Syria, you will certainly be familiar with the many choices of delicious specialties.

One of the typical Syrian foods that you can find and tastes delicious is Baklava. Eating this one is one of the famous desserts. The texture which tends to be crunchy will indeed be liked by people in Arab countries. So that this food is also popular even among foreign tourists.

This Baklava dessert is made of layers of filo or often called a pastry shell. This filo will then be mixed with the butter and also the pistachio nut ingredients. This food will even be soaked in sugar syrup with the added aroma of roses. You can find this food when there is a big event in Syria.


Another culinary specialty of Syria that must be tried is Qatayef. This food has a shape like a pillow. The ingredients used are cheese dough combined with delicious peanut ingredients. You can find this food easily in various corners of this country.

This food is even a popular dish and is always there when a banquet is held. This typical Syrian culinary is also widely sold at street vendors. So if you are interested in trying it, then you can find Suraiah’s special dish quite easily.

Not only in Syria, but this food is also famous in surrounding countries such as the Levant and Egypt. This one food is one that is most commonly found in people’s homes. This is because the way of making it is easy and becomes a special dish when the month of Ramadan arrives.


Tabbouleh is another dish that is similar to a kind of Salad. The ingredients used for this food are bulgur wheat, tomatoes, garlic with added mint leaves, and parsley. Not only that, but this food will be delicious served with a splash of lemon water and olive oil as a complement.

This unique food does have a delicious taste, and is also suitable for those of you who like healthy food that is not heavy. The basic ingredients that use wheat which is rich in fiber and protein will have low levels of potassium, iron and a low glycemic index.

Recorded in one cup of tabbouleh you will be able to meet about 10 percent of the body’s fiber needs. The need for this fiber will be appropriate in fulfilling the body of men and 12 percent for women. So eating these foods will make your day more fresh and excited, interested in trying?


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