5 Benefits of Running at Night, Can Improve Sleep Quality

Sport is a physical activity that aims to train the body to improve our physical health. Sport is also a planned and structured activity that involves all members of the body from head to toe. Exercise is a basic human need because by exercising we will be healthier and fitter.

We can do various types of sports depending on ourselves want to do it. Some types of exercise are categorized as light exercise and some are categorized as heavy exercise. For light exercise, we often do it because it doesn’t require a lot of energy but it’s still useful. One example is running.

Quoted from buenos aires corre, running itself has many types, from easy running, or what is often called jogging, to running with very long distances, or running a marathon. These various types of running can be done anywhere, such as on the street, at a sports stadium, to the field. The time also does not have to be specified. It can be done in the morning, during the day or even at night.

Maybe all this time what you often do is run in the morning, or during the day. But have you ever run at night? Or maybe you are one of those people who likes to run at night. Are the benefits the same? To find out more about running at night, here Liputan6.com has summarized some information about running at night.

Benefits of Running at Night

1. Brain relaxation

Running at night can help relax your hard-working brain after a busy day at work or school during the day. Besides that, running at night can also help reduce stress and pressure that is in our minds.

2. Helps build muscles

Running at night can help shape and build better muscles. This is because at night more body-forming hormones will come out compared to when we run or exercise in the morning or during the day.

3. Burn calories

Calories are needed for the body, but if the calorie levels in our body are too excessive it can also cause obesity. By running at night, the calories we collect throughout the day will be burned and reduced, so we will avoid excess calories and become overweight.

4. Better sleep

If you have busy activities during the day, running at night can be a solution for you to sleep more soundly. Running at night or exercising at night can improve the quality of your sleep even better.

But it needs to be underlined, it’s best to stay silent for one hour after doing sports or running at night. This needs to be done because when we exercise our body temperature will increase, so it is necessary to neutralize the temperature first before you sleep.

5. Improve mood the next day

By sleeping better because you exercise or run at night, you will feel more refreshed and energized the next day. Endorphin hormones are also believed to increase when doing sports at night.


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