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07/23/2013· South East Asia. pdfIf you know or’t know, you have to enter the contest.I put rioja windy city winery book on and it was set to fullscreen but I had to push ALT+F1 from keyboard.What does this training entail?

We have developed a short training that we are offering called Go One Go Learn. The training is designed to teach our children to be active learners. What we want to do is introduce the students to a variety of learning styles to help them gain a deeper appreciation of what it means to be a well-rounded learner.

We recognize that the educational system of today’s world is not always conducive to personal growth and development and that in order to become independent, self-reliant and self-directed learners, children need to learn to think from their own perspective. We want our children to be open to new ideas, creative thinkers, questioners and challengers. While they are learning to learn, we will also teach them that in order to learn well, they need to be with people who are creating and learning from their own experiences. That they need to be with people who will encourage them to think for themselves. We have developed this training to better help them learn the skills of personal development.

What is at the core of this training program?

The training is designed to help children develop their ability to think critically, be independent, creative problem solvers, be focused, be detail oriented, be flexible, be able to create their own learning experiences, build relationships, and thrive in a diverse world.

What students are saying about the program

The students have commented that the training has helped them become more independent, they have been able to deal with their challenges at school, and that they are learning to set goals, problem solve, and be creative. They have also learned to build relationships and focus on the long term outcome of their activities. One of the most meaningful comments came from a student who wrote:

„At first I did not want to be in the class, but now I like being here because I am gaining so many new skills and it is helping me be more independent and helping me learn how to learn things on my own.“

What students are saying about Go One Go Learn

„I like the Go One Go Learn program because it has made my teachers really teach and have fun with us and it has really


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