Its the most enjoyable, reliable and still one of the largest download sites on the internet. Whether you need to download cracked apps, movie torrents or software, you’ll find it here. Best of all, it’s totally free!

Another great torrent site that’s been around for a while (but still pretty much free), Rapidshare is a great source to find all kinds of freeware and cracked applications. One of its biggest assets is that its a legit torrent site.

Now that we’ve covered the best torrent sites, it’s time to wrap up this guide. We have added a special section to this page that will allow you to quickly view the top website for a given download type. If you want the best sites for movie torrents, best torrent site for music, best site for games torrents, etc, it should be pretty easy to find them.

Finally, the FastTorrent website is an excellent resource for such resource, offering great information for fast downloaders with its detailed guide. This site also has an entire forum dedicated to discussions of the latest torrents.

This is a very solid site that has an easy to use interface which allows you to search for the program you want by downloading it to your computer, then you can easily search for the program you want.

Most of the software on the web is free, but you’re paying a steep price in terms of data transfer and usage, and the software that we find most interesting and useful isn’t necessarily free. But that’s the world we live in, and the best software sites out there are there to help us navigate the web and keep us focused on the free stuff, whether it’s a bunch of gaming or entertainment or productivity apps.




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