Torrent download website with a huge selection of free content. While the UI might be a bit clunky, theyre a safe and legal site to download torrents from. The torrent search bar is located at the top of the page, and contains a list of what their staff has picked out for you. The selection is HUGE, with over a million torrents available. The site is fairly user-friendly and is geared towards those who have never downloaded a torrent before. Youll be able to find almost anything youre looking for on here.

Sometimes, we all need some inspiration to boost our morale. Especially when youre in the mood of writing something, you need to escape the distraction of the real world. The ePub library at Booksie is the perfect solution for readers who wish to read a book without leaving their home. The site is one of the popular eBook sites and has easy navigation that will make things simpler for the users. Moreover, the e-book library has a wide range of titles. But most importantly, its a safe site for ebook downloading.

A popular site for torrents is The Pirate Bay. As the name suggests, it is another torrent platform for all kind of files. Browsing through it gets very simple for users. The UI is simple to understand and the site keeps on updating as and when new torrents are added to the site. It also has the best customer service among all the torrent sites.

Torrent clouds are meant for those who love to store and share torrent files. The best example of such a site is It has an easy-to-use user interface and is very easy to navigate. They have a very vast database of torrents of all kinds and you wont ever run out of torrents to download. The other downside is that it does not support torrents other than MP3 files.



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