Combining the purpose of the two, weve got this website which provides free software cracking and a torrent tracker. The biggest attraction of this site is its OS choice. Its an all in one place where you can find both cracked software and cracked games. Here are a few screenshots that will serve to give you an idea of what the site is all about

Another website that strives to provide a hassle-free environment for users, is e-mall-88. This site features a lot of C&C content and has an array of cracked software that you can download. You can search for your desired file from a special section, or you can check out the forum and the best part is, you can always find new software that gets added regularly to the website. Here are few screenshots of e-mall-88 to serve as a guide for you.

If youre looking for daily updated cracked software, then you must try out This website has an impressive database of cracked software that is loaded with free software on a daily basis. Users can browse for their desired file by clicking on the search button. Finding a cracked application for your system can be a laborious task, but with the websites features, it can be done in a jiffy.

Its about time we try out another cracking website that seems to have gained a lot of popularity lately. A Quick search of cracked software downloads on this website, provides you with a wide choice of options. You can browse for software by name or by category or simply click on the torrent option and you will get the option to download the desired file. Here are a few screenshots that will serve as a guide to this website.



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