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TFS 2015 – Build CI trigger not configured

I’m setting up an automatic build to my vnext template in TFS 2015.
In the build definition there are 10 steps to be configured but after I configure only 3 of them are actually working and here I’m having the problem.
My first step is the Configure MSBuild arguments
I’m facing that error during the execution of this step:

Exception: Delay running build task. Reason: TF201508281756315,
No jobs found on the current build definition to build.

If I try to run again the build it’s ok, but the first time failed and I see that there are no jobs to execute, even if they are in the queue.
If I remove that argument, I have the same error but the build process go on without errors.
The other steps are not working either and I don’t have any error.

Step 1: Choose Framework

Step 2: Specify the location of the build agent

Step 3: Configure the Build for the current project

Step 4: Add, Remove, Modify, or Remove Agents

Step 5: Specify Additional Agent Arguments

Step 6: Specify the Configuration

Step 7: Choose Source and Destination directories

Step 8: Adjust the Build Prerequisites

Step 9: Specify Output directories

Download :- c c c.The anthrax-like toxin-receptor complex contributes to iron uptake through the ABC transporter FTR1/SitABCB1 in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
The corynebacterial anthrax-like toxin-receptor complex (Cgt) is a pore-forming toxin composed of CgtA and CgtB, both of which are homologous to the core components of the anthrax toxin. Here, we demonstrate that the cgt-cgtB gene-disrupted mutant grows poorly in iron-replete conditions. Purified CgtB binds to the mammalian cell surface receptor TfR1/CD71 and localizes to the cell poles. In cgtB mutant, iron homeostasis has been altered, including the down-regulation of the expression of the iron importer Ftr1/SitABCB1, and the up-regulation of the expression of the ferric iron exporter FsrAB. In the cgtB mutant, the intracellular Fe2+ level was decreased as a result of up-regulation of Ftr1 expression. Iron uptake via Ftr1 was impaired in the cgtB mutant. Thus, CgtB is directly or indirectly involved in the regulation of Ftr1, thereby modulating iron homeostasis in corynebacteria..getAddress().toString().toLowerCase());

return multiAddresses;

public static ImmutableList get(int baseAddr, String name, String platform) {
return get(baseAddr, Integer.parseInt(name), Platform.getByName(platform));

public static ImmutableList getByName(String name) {
ImmutableList.Builder multiAddresses = ImmutableList.builder();
for (AddressFactory addressFactory : AddressFactory.values()) {
Address address = addressFactory.get(ImmutableList.of(Platform.getByName(addressFactory.platform())), name);
if (address!= null) {

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