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Question: I have a site and it is in a very rough shape. I am trying to hire someone to do a complete rebuild of the site for me. I have fixed all the problems on my site by itself but I am sure my builder has added much more junk. I am looking for someone who has a good reputation, knows what they are doing and has done this before. I do not want to have to hire someone to do this for me and get some bad installer.
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Question: I recently moved from a free template to a premium template. I have so many memberships, pages, links and menus that I need to redo everything. It is making me even more nervous about paying for a template. Has anyone had any luck with a free template? Do you recommend it? My site seems a little faster and cleaner but I have no clue if that is because I am not paying for a premium template?
Question: I just purchased a template and want to know what I should do. Is there something else I should consider?
Question: I am currently using Ace Secure websites and a custom graphics design for my site. I am completely new to having a website and I do not know what to do to go forward with this. Is there anyone who can help me?
Question: I have just started building my website and need to know if someone can help me. I am doing this on my own and I have a template that I purchased. I have a few concerns and need some direction.
Question: I am trying
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Listen to music by Puttur Narasimha Nayak on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Puttur Narasimha Nayak including Dhad. Manas Pranamche, Gaya Narayana and .
Listen to music by Puttur Narasimha Nayak on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Puttur Narasimha Nayak including Ganga, Chadagathamana, and .
Get all songs & video of Puttur Narasimha Nayak and enjoy the online music collection of your favourite artists on JioSaavn. Listen or Download S.O.S. Puttur Narasimha Nayak songs. 01.
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