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Colleges, such as Baruch College, New York University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Washington College, require academic counselors to ensure that students fulfill their financial need. A student’s financial need is determined based on the total cost of attendance, the expected family contribution, and the federal, state, and local government subsidies available to the student. College financial aid is awarded according to the difference between a student’s financial need and the amount of funds the student receives. The financial aid process is directed towards assisting students in meeting their educational and living expenses.
A student’s financial need is important in the financial aid process because it determines how much aid a student receives, and the size of a student’s government scholarship may be based on the student’s need level. For students with sufficient financial need, a financial aid package may be awarded. Financial aid packages are awarded to students based on the type of financial aid received, in the amount of financial aid received, and the number of years in which the financial aid was received. The types of financial aid awarded include grants, loans, scholarships, and parental tuition assistance. The amount of financial aid a student receives may be based on the student’s financial need, the tuition and fees charged by the college, and the duration that financial aid is received.
Financial aid awards are usually processed within one month of the end of the college enrollment period. Students must submit any required FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms as early in the application process as possible so that the information can be processed during the FAFSA application process. If the FAFSA is not submitted by the deadline, the student may risk losing any aid that has been paid to the student.
Students must be aware of the possibility of receiving a package of financial aid that contains both merit and need-based aid.

The aim of financial aid is to assist students in meeting their educational and living expenses. Financial aid is awarded for academic years, beginning with the first day of classes, based on a student’s financial need. A student’s financial aid is determined based on the total cost of attendance, the expected family contribution, and the federal, state, and local government subsidies available to the student. College financial aid is awarded according to the difference between a student’s financial need and the amount of funds the student receives.
Financial aid has two separate components, merit aid and need-based aid. A student’s financial need is important in the financial aid process because it determines how much aid a student receives, and

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