This is a puzzle game based on graph theory, with beautiful 2D pixel art, immersive soundtrack and a complex narrative with a surprising plot twist.
The game revolves around a kingdom located in the north of Noensa, called Koni, as old as the First Dragon and forgotten by centuries of war. The King of this land is Helm, a powerful wizard, with the problem of the bridges of Koni.
The protagonist is a little wizard who arrives in the kingdom, he is not Helm, but a possible future version of Helm. He wants to travel the world and visit the most important places, but his journey will transform him.
The main character must solve puzzles in 5 regions with more than 30 levels, so he can find the key to the Castle of Koni, which will enable him to complete the game.
The player, who solves these puzzles, will discover all the secrets of the region, discover its inhabitants, learn its history, craft, etc. At the same time, the puzzles will reveal the history of the region, and the main character will learn about his own fate, and of the previous version of Helm.
The game is divided into five regions, each one with its own map, protagonists and secrets.
In the game, the player will encounter the spirits of the neighboring regions, although most of the time they are just harmless entities.
During the game, the player will travel through seven worlds.
Both enemies and environments will challenge the player to perform various actions in order to complete a level.
Every level has its own puzzle, especially in the theme of graph theory.
Graphs and their solved mathematical problems will be the main framework of this game.
Graphs are the basis of the puzzle game with bridges of Koni, but also of mathematics, life, and sometimes even art.
Graphs are geometric figures, which are two-dimensional shapes that can be represented by nodes joined by connections. Mathematicians use them to find patterns, to understand relations between things, and to discover new possible relationships.
Graph theory also has a practical application, namely the bridge.
A graph is a model that represents a network. The graph can contain between one and many nodes, which are referred to as vertices. Connections called arcs can link the nodes to each other.
An arc represents a relationship or connection. If the graph is being built, the nodes are being added and the arcs are being drawn. When the graph is presented, the arcs are


Features Key:

  • Realistic visual effects: The setting of atmosphere has already become very realistic.
  • Minimalistic, clear and beautiful interface: It is very simple and only consists of a track drawing interface and a time indicator. The interface is simple and clear, and the operation is beautiful and elegant.
  • Multiple languages support: The game and all the instructions can be changed into different language, such as Chinese, French, English and more.
  • Multiple playable game modes: You can play the game in different game modes, such as new player, hard grade, fast grade and more.
  • Customized paths: You can create your own track layout and play it.
  • Auto save and fast loading: When your game is not in the test, the game will automatically backup any change you have made up to a certain point. You can fast reload anytime with one push of a button.
  • Challenge your friends on mobile: The game provides you a brilliant 3D map and a recording system of replay function. You can easily make use of your friends mobile phone to test your speed against them in the same game lane. Once the game is over, you can directly exchange your results with your friends.
  • If you have already downloaded the game to your phone, you can try it for free!

    Order your copy now and start your challenge!

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