SHOFER Race Driver is the world’s first and only SHOFER game available for the PC.
The game is available in four languages: English, Persian, Arabic and Kurdish.
SHOFER released mobile game in end of September 2014 and the mobile game is available for Android, iOS, Android App Store, Google play store.
Kickstarter have announced a official release date for the game as September 30, 2017 for the PC and Mac platforms.
Social Media:

For any question, you can contact on:


Shouffar Official Site

Category:Shooting video games
Category:Shooter video games
Category:2017 video games
Category:2017 video games
Category:Windows games
Category:Windows-only games
Category:Video games developed in Iran
Category:Video games set in Iran
Category:Video games set in Iran
Category:Multiplayer and single-player video games
Category:Video games set in TurkeyQ:

How to compare any two numbers using switch statement in C#?

My goal is to do a switch statement on a loop. Inside the loop, I am to input two numbers that should be compared using the switch statement. It’s a school assignment and it’s critical that I have a solution that works.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Finances
class program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(„Choose a financial expense to analyze:“);
Console.WriteLine(„rent, insurance, gas or childcare.“);

string input;
string choice;


Features Key:

  • Hidden secrets put at the disposal of the players.
  • The gameplay takes place in a written and narrated history.
  • Relive the campaigns.
  • The campaigns are written in an auto-dynamic and auto-flowing mechanism.
  • Visualize the faction balance and the historical dynamics of the factions.


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„Cycle“ is about a young bike racer who is the only daughter of a bike-related-company owner. One day, she is visiting her father when she discovers her boyfriend’s bike and goes out for a ride. She never gets back, and her body is found dead next to the bike. It’s up to you to discover the truth of what happened. What started as a simple story about a lost bike turns into an intense detective-adventure.
Pursue the events that have occurred in the past, as well as that which may happen in the future. Make your own choices, determine your own destiny, and experience a story in which no two are alike.

Gameday Information:
You can choose to experience the “cycling story” in single-player mode. In this mode, you will take on two separate objectives: keep track of the time and find all 12 bike parts. You will receive three different bicycles to choose from, and experience four different time-periods of the game.

In addition, a two-player cooperative mode has been prepared for you to play with someone else. You can play co-op in any of the four time periods.
In this mode, you will have to both find the 12 bike parts and keep track of the time. You can only ride if you have ridden during the current time period. If you are riding, the other player can help you to get the parts that you might get lost.
You have the option of using the internal battery and secondary battery to charge your bike. To recharge the batteries, you can visit a station on the map. These are recharge stations where you can recharge your batteries. The recharge stations give you limited points; when you recharge, you will lose some points. Therefore, it is important to recharge your batteries when you run out of points.
If the secondary battery runs out, your bike will still work. However, the bike will not be fully charged. If you ride while you have a “dead” battery, the game will stop. You may have to wait until you get to a recharge station to recharge the battery.

Additional Information:
This game has been created and is being developed in Unity3D. It has been fully tested and proven to work.
1. The hand-drawing-style graphics and animation of the bicycle are recreated using unity3d.
2. The game has been designed and optimized to run in a mobile environment


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We are one step closer to the moon!

DOGE token sale has ended, congratulations to all our community members for their participation.

Game was played live in June. While playing we have seen the number of users increase rapidly. We were overwhelmed by the interest and enthusiasm from our community.

Since then, we have developed the process of creating a game on blockchain. We have set a goal of supporting a smart contract that will allow game to be played for free, the game will be completely decentralized and developers will be able to create game without the presence of an operator, in a way that will allow game to be played by everyone.

In order to release this smart contract, we need your support!

A number of major tasks are still needed to be completed and it is impossible to make this deadline without your help! If you like what you see, we invite you to buy DOGE Token and start playing the game.

Development status

The main problems we have faced while developing the game so far were the reliability of the smart contract and securing user assets. While developing the smart contract we faced issues with coding language in creating doge2D. Those issues were solved and we have moved on to making doge2D itself. We are happy to report that we have completed most of the tasks we set for ourselves.

Smart contract testing is underway. We are fully prepared to take on any challenges the network presents us with. Once the testing is complete we will be able to release the game to the community.

We have already set up our own alpha-testing network and are preparing to launch testnet this month. We expect to launch testnet with our own web interface at end of this month.

Token distribution

80% of total supply will be minted in the token sale. We are in the final stages of finishing DOGE white paper and will launch a smart contract and Doge-Mining in November.


Contribute to our dream and help us accomplish it.


Contribute to our dream and help us accomplish it.

Smart contract

You can visit our dogecoin smart contract repository:

Join us on Discord

Join us on Discord


Download the Mobile Client


What’s new in Port Royale 3:


A grim and shiver-inducing nightmare exist in the dead land. Where once were rivers of blood and earth, the forests now fill with the trunks of trees exploded through flesh and bone. Now that which was once a world of shining water and landscapes of flowers and fruit, have again fallen into the hands of war, this time blood filled and riotous with the orders of diabolical beings bent on eradicating all of the living beings from the hill. As blood flows endlessly from the carnage that dogs the path of the imaginary boats that now create, savage realms of cartographers whose only objective is to find the endless waterways because they know that there are more living blood sources in and around the newer lands. The chaotic and bloody world of Blood Calderas all stem from the plan of the gods long ago! To recollect the souls of creation of each, the blood that belongs to them, and to rip out the screams of their living day and night. This is their destiny.

Welcome to Blood Calderas. Here is the chaos, the new world, with the blood that belongs to the living! Welcome to the Savage Lands of Blood Calderas.

A standard Blood Calderas campaign for Savage Worlds.

WARNING: This product contains NO monsters. This product contains NO scenarios. This product contains NO adventures. This product contains NO genetically modified monsters. This product contains NO handout items.

What people are saying:

„Brilliant product.“ – Scott Tzamaros, Roleplayers at Large

„Blood Calderas is a fantastic setting for Savage Worlds. As a player, I really enjoy seeing new people try out this product and play for the first time, or possibly trying it out for the first time. In that, I thought this was a great introductory setting. As a GM, I highly recommend this product for everyone who wishes to give combat for Savage Worlds a try.“ – Megan Acheson, GM for The Craft of Critical Role

„For GMs (or anyone wanting to run for Savage Worlds) this is a great product to get you started with table top play. If you’re an eager player looking to leave the video game world and get into the bigger world of pulpy adventures, this is a great setting to start with.“ – Andrew Kuo, The Massively Jaded Gamer

„This game is simple enough to run in a 5 or 6 hour game without scheduling, and complex enough that it will be a lot of


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Actions & Adventure
Kingdom Under Fire: Rush of Blood is a turn-based RPG set in a rich fantasy world where players can control their heroes from the beginning of a journey to its end. The player takes the role of a leader of an ancient civilization and they are their mentor, whose interactions with the player, their allies and enemies guide them through a journey full of intriguing characters, a vast, open world, numerous quests and challenging puzzles.
As the leader, players set the pace for their heroes, assign them special actions and offer them items to give them special bonuses when they perform these actions. The player will make dozens of decisions that will determine the hero’s path through the game – from where they are sent on their journey, how they are treated by people in other cities, how many people will be loyal to their cause and what skills their character starts with.
Players will first go to the capital and meet the people that will become their allies, hire wise and experienced advisers and experience a small slice of history of the people they will meet and fight on their journey.
The game follows a typical storyline with some beautiful environments, a vast world with more than 20 cities to discover, dozens of quests and exciting battle sequences.
The story of the game is built on strong and unforgettable characters. Travel the country and visit the ancient cities of the country, listen to the song of the ancient magical brooms, find the treasures hidden in tombs, take part in festival celebrations and get to know the heritage of the country.
Key Features:
• Huge Fantasy World: Roam the vast world of the Kingdom of Taldain and explore its lush countryside, majestic mountains and gorgeous cities. Visit the ancient capital of Taldain and discover its culture and mysterious history.
• Action & Adventure: Lead your hero through a story full of intrigue, battles, diplomacy, decisions, exploration and quests. Make decisions at every step of the game and watch your hero develop.
• Huge Heroic Battles: From solitary fights between individuals to the orchestrated battlefields with hundreds of soldiers and horses, large or small battles are sure to create an epic-feeling adventure.
• Puzzles & Hidden Content: Enter into secret tombs, look for hidden objects, upgrade your weapons and amulets to make the most of your hero’s abilities and skills.
• Multiple Character Types: Each character has a unique ability, special moves and even special attacks. Choose from the Warrior, the Mage, the Bowman and the Ancient


How To Crack Port Royale 3:

  • In order to install the game Project Myriad 2 In Order to install the game Project Myriad 2 you must download and install the game file, then…
  • Into this folder you can see the installation of Project Myriad 2
    • Directory
    • into “ C:\Program Files\Myriad 2″
    • You can see the Myriad 2 folder, into that folder you can see the „Project Myriad 2“ folder, into that folder…
    • You can copy and paste game directory into this directory structure
    • after that we must move the necessary file and folders from games directory to the directory
    • Directory
    • into “ C:\Program Files\Myriad 2″
    • You can see the Myriad 2 folder, into that folder you can see the „Project Myriad 2“ folder, into that folder…
    • You can copy and paste game directory into this directory structure
    • after that we must move the necessary file and folders from games directory to the directory
    • App\Software\Hex-Code
    • into that folder you can see the „Windows“ folder and „Hex-Code“ folder
    • copy and paste the contents of that folder into „C:\Program Files\Myriad 2\Update\Application“
    • App\Software\Hex-Code
    • into that folder you can see the „Windows“ folder and „Hex-Code“ folder
    • copy and paste the contents of that folder into „C:\Program Files\Myriad 2\Update\Data“
  • Schlagwörter

    Port Royale 3


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