Brought to you by the team who created THE CODE and KILLTER. Both games garnered a massive amount of critical acclaim.
Play as Sasaki, a young soldier of the War of Liberation, recently awoken from military stasis to find himself thrown into the fight for the survival of the world.
Plunge yourself into a deep, dark and heartbreaking story of alien domination and savagery.
Become the berserker, the tank, the ace pilot, and more. Expose your weaknesses and overcome them.
Steal from the all the weapons, abilities and ship upgrades of over 20 different enemies – including robots, giant ants, flying turtles and a myriad of deadly aliens.
Face life and death situations, and uncover the secrets that were hidden by the Chronicles.
Start with the Rube-Goldberg-Scale and play your way through to the Super-Scale at one of the 4 different difficulty levels.
Create your own configurable keyboard bindings.
With dual mode, you can play the game on the fly. When in Defensive mode, the enemies attack more slowly and with reduced damage to keep your ship safe, while in Offensive mode you can take a bigger risk to hit your targets, but you will be less protected.
Add your own music to the game.
There are no level caps, so you are free to go beyond the ninth level at your own pace.
The FREE version comes with 9 missions, the premium version comes with an unlimited amount of additional missions from the unfinished part of the game.
Our team is working hard to bring this game as the final product.




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Xbox is an ecosystem where creativity and innovation are prized and rewarded, where the smartest minds work together to transform entertainment into something that can’t be imagined, something that goes beyond what’s possible. More than that, Xbox sets us on a path to a future where anyone can be empowered to dream and achieve anything.

Whether it’s the future of gaming, entertainment or communications, our collective imagination is our greatest strength. Together, we’re all Xbox.

As someone who’s worked at Microsoft for close to two decades, it is absolutely thrilling to see the investments Microsoft is making in the areas of cloud computing, machine learning, augmented/virtual reality, mixed reality and artificial intelligence — and there is


Features Key:

  • High intensity cardio workout! Use the hand-held elliptical to power up your workout!
    Take core exercises and endorphin booster workout with you anywhere.
  • Effortless workout, 7 minutes exercise! All you need is your machine and your own desk to start your workout.
  • Healthy boost, no additional cleaning! The x20vf only requires a small pack-up for a month.
  • Try it yourself, you will find it much more efficient to exercise regularly.

    Don’t let the wind get you! X20vf is easy to start and effortless to use.

  • For both men and women!!

    X20vf machine can fit the male as well as the female, big muscles for big men,
    we don’t have the women’s model and the male model is too large to fit into space such as the living room.

  • The Mission 2: Jurassic World has some plot holes, for example — there’s a scene where the crew encounters a herd of bright orange pigs on the beach. This herds a bit out of place for what we’ve seen so far, but it’s easily dismissed since island statues don’t normally eat people. Still, as opposed to the first movie, where the plot seems to be built out of whole cloth, the sequel actually has some specifics to it. In fact, it has a LOT of specifics to it, so let’s take a look.

    1. That Diamond Skydiving Game Was Not a Lottery Jackpot

    The first film’s plot involved the egg that Amanda Sweet shot damaged by a Lex Crandall-helmed clock bomb, and some idiosyncratic coding by the plant Mr. DNA. That plant was translated into Code #2685 by the park supercomputer (noting that Jurassic World



    Enjoy an original short story written by the popular Japanese author Ichiei Ishikawa! The illustration also came from his books, „Wandering with Scat“, „Ichiei Ishikawa’s Wonderful, Wonderful Wonderland“, and „King Chou“.
    If you are looking to expand your horizons, we hope you will enjoy this delightful story too!

    Key Features:
    • Enjoy a short story by the creator of „Nakabayashi Sakura no Hanazono“, the author who made use of the rice ball artwork for „The Dream of Sazae-san“ and „Wandering with Scat“.
    • Be aware of the warnings inside the story. There are words which are too difficult for the casual reader, and they are „vagina“ and „chi“ (as in „hit the chi“).
    • A black background design will make it easy to read this story.
    • A special illustration from the author is included inside.

    • The story „The Foreigner in a Wonderland of Sweets“ by the Japanese author Ichiei Ishikawa.
    • An exclusive black background illustration by the author.

    System Requirements:


    OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit versions only)

    CPU: 1.4 GHz

    Memory: 512 MB RAM

    Hard Disk: 130 MB available space

    Graphics: 1024×768 display resolution

    Additional Notes: Windows 10 may require Windows 10 November 2018 update or later.


    OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit versions only)

    CPU: 2 GHz

    Memory: 1 GB RAM

    Hard Disk: 100 MB available space

    Graphics: 1024×768 display resolution

    Additional Notes: Windows 10 may require Windows 10 November 2018 update or later.

    System Requirements:


    OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit versions only)

    CPU: 2 GHz

    Memory: 1 GB RAM

    Hard Disk: 100 MB available space

    Graphics: 1024×768 display resolution

    Additional Notes: Windows 10 may require Windows 10 November 2018 update or later.


    OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit versions only)

    CPU: 2 GHz

    Memory: 2 GB RAM

    Hard Disk: 100 MB available space

    Graphics: 1024×768 display resolution




    1. Hold L2 and R2 to control WorningBird.
    2. When you see the blue enemy bars above the ‚power up‘ bars,
    you are at the tip of the power up bar.
    3. The smaller enemy bars above the blue bars are your weak,
    battle weary birds.
    4. To increase the health of your birds, activate the ‚power up‘
    5. To increase the power of your birds, activate the small bars.
    6. Note: The bigger the bars, the stronger the birds‘ attacks.
    7. The harder the bird is on the screen, the more damage it will
    8. Up close, the birds gain new abilities.
    *Bonus features:
    – When the attack bars are at max, you can get a bonus for every bird hit.
    – At max power, the big bird can deal double damage.
    – At max power, you can use the bird’s special attack several times per battle.
    – Higher level birds have more health and more special attack range.
    9. When the birds‘ power reaches maximum, the boss bar is full.
    10. At the end of the battle, the boss bar is empty, and a new one is ready for you.
    11. The money (EXP) from battle, the best weapons & items, and
    the best birds will be rewarded to you.
    12. Can you go into power-up mode quickly?
    Game „WORNINGBIRD HINTS“ Description:
    WorningBird is weak at the beginning of the game. The battles to defeat
    her brothers were hard and victory came only after many deaths. To survive the
    armies of her brothers, WorningBird created her special attack, ‚whirlwind flying.‘
    This special ability is in the sky while the game is in power-up mode.
    A special attack, ‚whirlwind flying‘ is usually in the sky. The range of the attack
    can be seen in the yellow hair on WorningBird’s shoulders.
    The environment is the key to using this attack. If the player is in any environment
    where wind is strong, WorningBird’s special attack will appear.
    If the player has this special attack in the sky, the attack will first hit enemies
    in front of the player. It will then move toward the enemies, hitting them multiple
    *How to summon WorningBird:
    1. Play „WOR





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      „Amusing, tense and challenging, it’s good to have a game that will keep you at the edge of your seat.“ – Austin Walken, Eurogamer.

      Achieve Escape is a stealth-action thriller set in the claustrophobic confines of an abandoned asylum. Using stealth, timing and nerves of steel you must outsmart the warden and his guards and evade their ever-present motion-sensitive alarms. With a pack of guards on your tail, armed with those all-too-familiar threats of electric shock and warden arrest, your biggest opponent is the lack of light. Can you outsmart the shadows?

      Achieve Escape is the sequel to 2010’s critically acclaimed THE CAVERN.


      Shifting gameplay and tense combat mechanics combine with rich steampunk decor.

      Reworked „high-difficulty“ setting allows for a new challenge.

      An intriguing tale is set in a yet-unexplored world.

      Achieve Escape is the next logical step from our previous project. THE CAVERN is a culmination of passion, skill and experience. Its success is proof that our minds can create anything they want to. We want to create a world where the brain could be a powerful tool. We want to make the brain the most powerful weapon anyone can master.

      Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. We’re very grateful for you taking the time to write to us and tell us what you liked about the game. We appreciate all your efforts and will be able to use your opinion to improve our projects further.

      We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support over the years. The team is greatly humbled and honored to have your trust in us.

      We hope you enjoy our work as much as we do and wish you the best of luck in your future projects.Oath of the Moon and Stars

      I start with a paragon domain. I select destiny as my theme and add 3 at creation. As a feature, I take ten fate points and choose two more sub-paragon traits and call them features. These are:

      Wand of Healing

      Recharge to heal all your allies and take 1d4 points of damage for each enemy healed.


      When you strike an enemy with a free action, you roll a d10. If your result is a 1, the target takes 1d6 damage and is



    • Download Game Package from here:
    • Double click downloaded file.
    • Extract the.msi file using extraction software.
    • Choose folder and run setup file.
    • Done.

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    System Requirements:

    Genre: Action
    Platform: PC | Review Copy provided by publisher
    RELEASE DATE: August 5, 2015
    Platform: PC | Review Copy provided by publisherGamesane
    The team behind the European Union project Euro Truck Simulator, GSC Game World, recently shared their vision for the upcoming Truck Simulator 2016. In a recent interview the developer’s Daniel Velke and Jim Hendersen were keen to tell about their upcoming project. In this interview, Daniel Velke talks about the features to expect in the upcoming


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