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1.Open „Autodata“ folder from „program files“ folder
2.Double-click „autodata.exe“
3.Run the program by double clicking „autodata“ file
4.Click on „New Project“ button
5.Give your project a name
6.Click „OK“ to save and exitClick the “open menu” menu (middle of the screen) and click “Other”.
On the “Browse” screen, find and select the “PHP 5.6” option
Next, click the “download” button below the “PHP 5.6.32” folder
Save the file in the same folder as the “php.ini” file. (Most likely, that is the “c:\xampp\php\php.ini” folder)
Right-click the “php.ini” file, and then click “properties”
Click the “open” button (this will open a window to edit the file in “Notepad”)
Locate the line that says “extension=php_dompdf.dll” and remove the quotation marks (remove the “” characters on either side of the quotation marks)
Click the “save” button in the top right corner of “Notepad”
Right-click the “php.ini” file and click “rename”
Now right-click the newly renamed file and click “open”
Confirm the file you chose is called “php.ini”, not “c:\xampp\php\php.ini”, because that file isn’t what we renamed the original file to
Right-click “php.ini” and click “properties”
Click the “open” button (this will open a window to edit the file in “Notepad”)
On the “compiled extensions” line, add the extension name to the end of the file that says “xdebug.dll” (don’t add the quotation marks to the
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We reviewed the results of excising the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist for the treatment of giant cell tumour of bone. Between 1981 and 2001 at our institution, 77 patients (82 sides) had nerve excision for a giant cell tumour. All of the patients underwent thorough assessment including electromyography, nerve conduction studies and clinical evaluation. The median nerve was excised with division of the superficial palmar branch in all patients, with two patients also having the subbrachial trunk excised. The ulnar nerve was excised with division of the superficial palmar branch in only 10/25 patients with this information available. At mean follow-up of 4 years (range 1.3 to 17 years), nerve grafting was required in 60% of the patients. Of the 15 patients with nerve grafting, no patient required a revision of the nerve graft. Seventeen patients had a further surgery for a recurrent tumour. Three of these patients were operated on after a mean follow-up of 3 years (range 1 to 6 years), with none requiring a revision of the primary nerve graft. The median duration of the nerve excision was 2 years (range 1 to 6 years), and the median total follow-up was 6 years (range 1.3 to 17 years). The mean duration of the nerve graft was 3 years (range 1.6 to 6.5 years). In summary, we do not believe that excising the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist is necessary for the treatment of giant cell tumour of bone. These cases add strength to the conclusions from other studies. In situations in which the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist remain in continuity, excision of the median nerve was associated with less nerve grafting than excision of the ulnar nerve.Q:
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