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Opening an image

Before you do anything with an image, you must open it. In this section, you learn how to open an image.

An image file type is encoded in the file itself, and Photoshop recognizes and opens a certain kind of file based on the type of image file extension. For example, you have an image file saved in the TIFF format, and Photoshop can open it. TIFF is a common format for many images, including those from cameras or scanners that create a file in this format. If the image file is saved in another format, Photoshop may not recognize it.

An image’s name or location is the folder in which it is stored. For example, an image saved from a camera in the JPEG format may be stored in a folder that includes the date and time of the image, in addition to the information in the EXIF standard. Chapter 8 covers the basics of image file formats and EXIF.

1. **In Windows, choose Start** ⇒ **All Programs** ⇒ **Adobe Photoshop**.
2. **Click Photoshop**.
3. **In the Photo Browser, open any folder that contains a photo file.**
4. **Double-click a photo in the folder.**
5. **As shown in Figure** **1** **, the image opens on the screen.**
6. **You may see a message that says „File failed to load“ or a message that the file is corrupt, missing, or incompatible with the operating system.**
7. **If the file loads correctly, check the image’s file format and EXIF information, as discussed in Chapter 8.**


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This article will introduce you to Photoshop Elements and walk you through its functions with a demo.

1. The UI and Functions

This is a very basic overview of Photoshop Elements features.

Before we get started, let’s start by clicking the Home icon at the top left of the interface. The software will open the Welcome screen.

Next, click on the New icon next to the Home icon. This lets you create an initial image, or new layer.

Next, click on the icon next to the New Layer/Crop and select the Crop tool.

Click on the new layer to put it in the Paint Bucket tool. This is your canvas.

Go to Image > Mode > Grayscale.

Now, drag your cursor on to the empty canvas to select a portion of the image. Keep holding down Shift+Ctrl while dragging.

This is the newly cropped image. Now, right click and select Crop and Save as.

Right click on the image again and select Open.

Now, click and drag to place the rectangle selection tool.

Keep holding Shift+Ctrl while dragging.

This allows you to crop the entire image at once.

Select Smart Brush.

Left click on the area you want your brush to select.

The brush will select the area in a way that is similar to painting on a canvas.

Select Edit > Fill to fill in the selected area with a color.

2. Using the Crop Tool

Click and drag on the canvas to crop the image. Keep holding the Shift button while you drag to cut out the edges. Right click, select Crop and save as.

If you are looking to resize the image, click and drag with the Selection Tool to resize the image.

To rotate the image, move the Rotate tool.

With the Selection Tool, hold Shift to select the Rotate tool instead.

Move the mouse up and down while holding Alt to zoom the canvas. Click on the canvas to flip your image.

3. Layers and the Layer Masks

In Photoshop, a layer is a way to divide an image into smaller portions.

To add a new layer, click on the New icon on the top left of the interface. If you don’t see it, go to Window > Layers.

Each layer has its own color (or

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App Engine Python: Get connection.commit

I am using the Google App Engine Python Remote API to insert data in my database via an admin panel. The issue is that I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File „C:\Users\Sawyer\Documents\Git\project\“, line 14, in
self.db = gae_helpers.get_db()
except ConnectionError, e:
AttributeError: ‚NoneType‘ object has no attribute ‚commit‘

At the moment I am using a Thread to insert data in the table:
class Blog(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
description = db.StringProperty(default=’No description provided‘)
link = db.StringProperty(default=’No link provided‘)

class InsertDBThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, name):
Thread.__init__(self) = name
self.db = gae_helpers.get_db()
def run(self):
self.db.create(Blog(, description=self.description,
except db.NoSuchObjectError:

I have been able to determine that the issue is in line 14, which is the method where I try to get a connection to the google app engine.
What I am trying to do is to get the commit function and do a transaction, which should be a simple correction of the issue.


If you look at the python db api implementation, commit is a async function and is only available from the async thread:
So just do:
class Blog(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
description = db.StringProperty(default=’No description provided‘)
link = db.StringProperty(default=’No link provided‘)

class InsertDBThread

What’s New In?

How to calculate distance between 2 GPS waypoints

How to calculate distance between 2 GPS waypoints

2 GPS waypoints and graph them on a map on a web page!

First of all, we need to create a new web page with a map of the surrounding area where the GPS waypoints of our markers must be placed. We’ll use a map based on Google Maps service:

This is how your web page should look like:

The input of your web page is 1, 2, 3 coordinates. Thus your page must load a Google map where you can drop a marker with a GPS waypoint on it. This waypoint is saved as a variable you get from the URL input.

Run this in your browser:

var map;
var points = [];

map = new L.Map(‚map‘, {
center: [48.6,2.4],
zoom: 13

function initialize() {
// create a new waypoint
var latlon = [„48.6,2.4“, „48.4,2.1“, „48.2,2.7“, „48.0,2.5“, „47.8,2.3“, „47.6,2.1“, „47.4,2.3“, „47.2,2.3“, „47.0,2.4“, „46.8,2.6“, „46.6,2.4“, „46.4,2.3“, „46.2,2.4“, „46.0,2.4“, „45.8,2.3“, „45.6,2.3“, „45.4,2.3“, „45.2,2.4“, „45.0,2.5“, „44.8,2.6“, „44.6,2.7“, „44.4,2.7“, „44.2,2.7“, „44.0,2.8“, „43.8,2.9“, „43.6,2.8“, „43.4,2.7“, „43.2,2.7“, „43.0,2.7“, „42.8,2.7“, „42.6,2.6“, „42.4,2.6“, „42.2,2.5“, „

System Requirements For Photoshop Old Version Software Free Download:

Windows Vista or later
Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Epic Games Launcher
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows XP SP2, Vista SP1 or later
Mac OS X 10.4 or later
Additional Requirements:
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB or greater
Planned Changes to NVIDIA Support:
No planned changes to NVIDIA support. The testing NVIDIA support currently offers, like control support and tools for testing SLI and Crossfire support, will


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