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* _Photoshop_
* _Adobe Photoshop tutorial sites_

## Tracing to Create an Outline

A _tracing_ technique is an easy way to make an outline in Photoshop. Here’s how:

1. **Open any photo that you like in Photoshop.**

If your image doesn’t have an RGB color space, it can be converted to the CMYK color space.

2. **Choose File** ⇒ **New** ⇒ **Trace**.

The New Tracing window opens.

3. **Set up the Tracing Settings as shown inFigure 12-2 by filling in the fields.**

Here you can control how the image is composed and prepped before you begin tracing.

4. **Click Start Trace.**

The old outline is deleted.

5. **Choose Select** ⇒ **Color Range** ⇒ **Magenta (or whatever color you want to work with).**

The new outline is created.

6. **Choose Edit** ⇒ **Fill** ⇒ **Color Range** to select an area to be filled with the new outline.

From the color range menu, you can select a color. You can also click the color range selector icon. The gray circle appears in the color range, which you can drag to select an area of the image to fill with a new color.

7. **Repeat Steps 4–6 for the other colors.**

Before choosing a color in the Color Range dialog box, be sure to remember which color is currently selected. If you choose a new color and aren’t ready to fill it, you’ll need to select it again.

When you’re done, you’ll see the new color appear in a similar fashion on the image.

In this example, we selected red.

Figure 12-2: Fill in the Field Preview window to change color range and other settings before beginning the tracing.

Here are a few quick tricks to help you fine-tune your outlines:

* **Save time by duplicating the image:** Click the image in the Layers panel and then press Ctrl+C (to copy the image). Then click the image again and press Ctrl+J (to paste).
* **Remove outline and fill:** After you’re done using a trace, simply click it in the Layers panel and press Delete

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Photoshop is the standard of graphics design, and Photoshop Elements is the standard of graphics editing. Choose the program that you want to use. You’ll have access to most features of Photoshop, and some photographers and graphic designers use both programs.

Understanding Photoshop

Photoshop is the Adobe® program used by many graphic and web designers to create and edit photos, drawings, patterns, and text. There are many things you need to learn as you go along: The key term is pixels (picture elements). In a digital image, each picture element represents a pixel on a display screen. The more pixels you have on your screen, the more dots you will see. Most of us don’t even think about how many pixels are in a photo, because every resolution monitor has a certain amount of pixels. For example, on a typical, 23″ monitor, there are hundreds of thousands of pixels. As you add bits of things to a picture, more pixels (dots) are added. If you connect one dot to another, you make a line.

Read on to learn about adding layers, editing shapes, creating patterns, printing files, and more.

Photoshop Features

Photoshop is the most powerful graphics program in the world. It was designed by Adobe and was created in 1984. It is the standard in professional graphic design. It’s the typical program used by web designers, graphic designers, photographers, and other media artists. It’s used in most multimedia production.

Some people use Photoshop for image editing and manipulation, while others use Photoshop Elements. Even though Adobe has long made both versions of Photoshop and the creative suite in general, Photoshop Elements is more of a hobbyist’s version. Some of its features are completely missing, others are there, but a little simpler, and some don’t work at all. It works well with the other programs in the suite, but not every feature of Photoshop will work perfectly in Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements does not come with some basic Photoshop features, such as layers, layer effects, adjustment layers, or even channels.

There are three ways to create an image in Photoshop Elements: painting or drawing, using one of the Image-editing tools, and using an image-editing program in the Creative Suite. You can draw on an image in some graphic programs, such as InDesign. InDesign lets you draw on an image and use it for a brochure, poster, or other printed item.

A person who creates an image

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Super-hydrophobic surfaces with nanoscale roughness created on transparent substrates by a laser-assisted self-thermal sweeping route.
Ultra-smooth surfaces in the micron scale are needed in optical and microfluidic applications. However, it is very difficult to construct such surfaces with ultra-smooth surfaces in the nanoscale due to the surface energy. Here, we report a robust route to realize smooth surface with roughness on the nanoscale in a broad wavelength range from visible to near-infrared (NIR) by using a single pulsed laser beam under ambient environment. We employ a heating-induced capillary flow which provides a stable thermal energy on the sample surface to prevent the formation of clusters and nanogrooves that could potentially be problematic for super-hydrophobic surfaces. In addition, the surface roughness can be controllably tuned to be the desired value by controlling the power of the laser pulses and the scanning speed. The method is also simple and fast, which can realize the formation of the super-hydrophobic surfaces in ∼15 s. We also discuss the effect of the laser beam-induced substrate heating on the surface morphology and the optical properties of the surfaces.Q:

Getting data from a file using Perl

I’m trying to use perl to read the data in a file. It is formatted as such:
9 6
55 5
12 9

I’m still learning perl, however, I’ve got most of the way there. I can successfully take everything between the first two colons and save it to a variable, however, I want to get the data after the last colon. Here is what I have:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my $file = ’name.txt‘;
my $lines = ;
chomp $lines;
print Dumper($lines);


my $last;
my $file = ’name.txt‘;
my $lines = ;
chomp $lines;
$last = $lines =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
print „$1 $2

After the chomp, you have $lines. The lines contains newlines (
) if a line with a number has a newline, or just two numbers if the line is in the format you have, that is

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SharePoint 2013 DataPortal – Enabling fields and columns – „Not Found“

I’m trying to use the DataPortal in SharePoint 2013 to enable additional fields to a list. I’m using the DataPortal for the first time. The problem is that if I go to the action I’m trying to perform, I get the message:
„Sorry, there is a problem with this page.
You may have reached this page in error.
The requested page has not been found.

Please try the following:

Double-check the address.
Refresh the page.
If you are still experiencing problems, please contact your system administrator.“

The URL for the site is correct. The ADPath is correct. I’m looking at the content types within the list. The list is enabled for the fields. And it’s definitely enabled for the particular view. The error occurs when I click the Enable button. From the „Details“ view in the DataPortal I am looking at the list of content types and I see my content type listed as „MyContentType“. When I click on that item, I get the same error message.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just ran the script through the CSV tool to run the GETs and POSTs in the DataPortal and I was able to get my list enabled for the fields. And I can add new content types to the list without issue. But the enable or edit of existing content types still seems to be an issue.
I moved the list to a different site and deleted the data. I cleaned the database, created a new empty list, and added all of the content types and I’m still getting the same error message when I try to enable fields. I tried both with and without the full address to the list but I get the same error.
I also tried to add new fields in the dataportal, and if I do that, I see that the fields show up on the content type. When I try to enable the fields (edit button) I get the same error. If I then add content and try to edit the fields, the fields are disabled and I get the same „page cannot be found“ error.
I’m not sure how to proceed from here. Does anyone have any ideas?


Found the

System Requirements For Filter For Adobe Photoshop Cs6 Free Download:

Microsoft DirectX 11.0 or later
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / ATI Radeon HD 7900 series or later
High Resolution Display
For a high-quality gaming experience, we recommend you use a display with a resolution of at least 1920×1080.
A mouse is not required to experience the full potential of Splinter Cell® Blacklist™.
If you experience any performance issues while playing the game, we recommend that you use the latest drivers for your video card. For more information on video card


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