All the cringe-worthy dating rituals you hate.
Until we have come to the point that even sensitive, classy, level-headed people we want to date are afraid of opening up to a potential love interest, there will always be one-size-fits-all dating practices, and they’re usually about as useful as they are creepy.
Dating sites have taught us that the person you should really be trying to find out more about is yourself.
The problem is that that opens you up to more lies than lies, so if you’re about to make yourself vulnerable and lay yourself bare before a potential love interest, it’s kind of a balls thing to do.
But we all do it. We lie to complete strangers. We pretend to be perfect all the time. We make ourselves look like sluts and hos and goths and slayers. That’s because we’re scared.
So what have we learned about relationships? Almost nothing. Sure, that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that someone is watching you and judging you is almost certainly true.
And how many people are afraid of rejection? All of them. Then again, most of us go out on a limb or jump into a relationship for a myriad of reasons.
But dating sites have taught us that the person you really should be trying to find out more about is yourself. It’s probably right there in the back of your head all the time. We’ve spent the last decade and a half building a fancy website that does nothing but tell you all the things about yourself you wish you knew, or pretend to know. The sites don’t just throw a bunch of links at you and tell you what they think is cool; they actually pretend to be your friends.
Don’t mistake the fact that they’re convinced you’re a goddamn oracle because you joined their site as a searchable baron for pity’s sake. Sometimes you sit around and wonder how the people who compiled that horrible profile of you ended up so well-versed in the things that make you feel like shit.
Blind dates not your thing? No problem. There are plenty of sites that will give you a match where you don’t know a single thing about the person you’re about to meet. That way you can make sure they’re just as free of preconceptions as you are.
So how do you meet someone? You can either wade into the dating pool by showing up naked, or
Dating in the New Millennium:
-What to Do This Weekend: We’ve updated the Article with a few tips to help you get the most out of your weekend.
-Dating Nowadays: It’s time to think beyond the typical bar or club.
-Modern Singles Network: We’ve made it easier than ever to get in touch with those you’d like to meet.
-5 Dating Tips: With everyone focusing on the wrong things when it comes to dating, we’ve given you some tips to help you when you first date or maybe you’re out and you’ve just been rejected by the perfect match.
The modern dating landscape is busy, and that’s something we love. With more and more opportunities to find a romantic partner or a long-term relationship, there’s no shortage of people to meet and all the opportunities for us to mix and match in ways we couldn’t have a few short years ago. It’s a good time to be alive, but it’s also a time when it can seem pretty hard to keep up. It’s not always that simple, of course, and you’re probably still in the thick of your own personal routine. You’re juggling time with your friends and family, work, etc. You’re getting ready to go out, or coming home from a long week and want to relax.
But, when you’re able to take a step back from it all and pay attention to what’s really important, it’s a time of great opportunity.
The bottom line is that we are living in a very new world of dating—and a good many of us are still figuring out how to navigate it. Whether you’re looking to date casually, or are looking for a relationship, there’s no shortage of opportunities to meet new people and find the person of your dreams.
Part of what makes this such a great time to be alive is the fact that you’re living longer. In the U.S., life expectancy has increased by 13 years over the last 100 years, and currently averages around 75 years. The Society for American Baseball Research notes that life expectancy has been steadily increasing since the 1970s, with the major upturn occurring after the start of the 2000s. This is no longer a time to sit back and watch life happen, but a time to live your life, explore what life has to offer, and look for a romantic connection.
When you’re ready to date, you’re bound to have options.
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