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History of AutoCAD

AutoCAD was originally sold only on minicomputers. The first commercial version was released in September 1984 for the IBM PC/XT running MS-DOS 2.11. It replaced the „TechDraw“ line of illustrations-based CAD applications developed by TechDraw Inc.

Initially, Autodesk tried to limit the use of the software to the architectural profession. However, with the increased interest in computer-aided design (CAD), many other fields adopted the software as well. In 1984, Autodesk used the software in the construction of the Aspen Ski Resort in Aspen, Colorado.

With the release of AutoCAD 2.0, Autodesk moved beyond the architectural profession and made AutoCAD available on IBM and Macintosh platforms. In 1985, the company launched AutoCAD LT, which is a lower-cost version of the original AutoCAD program.

During the mid-1990s, the company released AutoCAD 3D, which included the ability to import and manipulate three-dimensional (3D) solid models. In 1995, the first mobile-device version of AutoCAD, called AutoCAD for Pocket PCs, was released. Also in 1995, the first web-based version of AutoCAD was released.

In 1998, Autodesk released AutoCAD 2000, which offered a better user interface (UI). AutoCAD 2000 also included a concept known as the AutoCAD Conceptual. The Conceptual allows users to draw a design, then insert parts of the design into the drawing in a different style. For example, a designer can draw a mechanical component, then insert a decorative cover plate on the part, and change the color of the cover plate.

Also in 1998, Autodesk introduced AutoCAD Map 3D. The software uses either 2D or 3D data. It is useful for creating maps that can be used to plan construction of sites and buildings, for example.

In 1999, AutoCAD 2000 was renamed to AutoCAD R14. A few years later, AutoCAD R15 was released. It introduced tools to simplify the process of creating components of a design. Later that year, in 2001, AutoCAD R16 was released. It includes improvements to the 3D modeling, technical writing, and online help, among other features.

AutoCAD 2010

In 2009, Autodesk launched

AutoCAD [Latest 2022]

XML API, a simple XML-based API, which allows users to write tools to use a large number of C++ and Java code libraries and use the AutoCAD App and Document Server to share documents. The XML API is a unique API, available in every version of AutoCAD.

Custom Elements: Many of the custom elements of AutoCAD are included in the Autodesk Architectural Desktop user interface and in the AutoCAD.NET API.

A custom application can be developed using the AutoCAD APIs and can then be distributed as an add-on to AutoCAD or to other AutoCAD products or to the Autodesk Exchange Apps. A number of AutoCAD add-on applications are currently available on the Autodesk Exchange Apps.

The App store is the tool used to distribute AutoCAD add-on applications on the Autodesk Exchange Apps. Add-on applications, as well as the add-on database used to track them are available at the Autodesk Exchange Apps.

See also
List of AutoCAD features


External links
Autodesk Exchange Apps – The Add-on Store

Category:Free-software programming tools
Category:Computer programming

The root cause of the disordered thinking of clinical depression is an inflammatory response. There is good evidence that this inflammatory response is triggered by serotonin. The most likely cause is an excessive demand for serotonin from the brain. The brain normally uses tryptophan and other amino acids to make serotonin but, when there is excessive demand for serotonin, the brain uses the amino acid tryptophan to make inflammation-inducing chemical messengers called cytokines. To release serotonin, the brain has two pathways: The first uses a chemical called monoamine oxidase. The second pathway releases serotonin by using inflammatory messengers called cytokines.

The brain produces serotonin during normal mood fluctuations but it needs constant stimulation to maintain normal mood.

For example, a meal triggers a feeling of happiness. Over time, the reaction to the meal changes to a feeling of sadness. When the meal is especially large, the brain stimulates serotonin production to a much greater extent than normal. This may contribute to feeling of sadness. The brain is normal in being able to shift to feeling of sadness after the meal. But, if the brain is constantly stimulated with high levels of serotonin, then the brain may turn on the

AutoCAD Serial Key PC/Windows


Hadoop Training Tutorial

I was trying to build a Hadoop based system in eclipse. I was trying the code from
Code available for download in:
This is the error I am getting in eclipse :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/Path
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)
at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.getMainMethod(Unknown Source)
at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
… 6 more

I was able to compile code successfully on my Macbook but the same code on my Windows machine I get this error.


It is looking for org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path. You need to add it to your classpath. I’m not sure how you would do that in eclipse.

Open your Eclipse project’s „Build Path“ properties
Under Libraries, click „Add JARs…“
Navigate to your Hado

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Extensions for AutoCAD:

Extensions are available for AutoCAD both from the AutoCAD Classic and the Autodesk Labs web site. AutoCAD 2023 has new experimental extensions that are not released yet. The experimental extensions are used for developer purposes only. Their feature set might change.

Fast review and comment on AutoCAD drawings

In AutoCAD 2023, the rectangle tool is improved for performing revisions. It allows you to see the other properties of the drawn rectangle at the same time. The rectangle border and fill colors are immediately applied as soon as you select the shape, and a floating point ruler guides you through the rectangle so that you can see the change in the height and width immediately.

The New Curves and Curve Tool extensions

The new Curves extension in AutoCAD and the new Curve tool extension for the Timeline feature makes it much easier to create curves in AutoCAD.

Cusp Tool in the New Polyline and Spline extensions

The Cusp tool in the New Polyline extension (Visual Layers) and Spline extension (3D) makes it much easier to create circular and elliptical arcs.

Raster Effects for raster graphics

In AutoCAD 2023, the new Raster Effects extension makes it easy to manipulate raster graphics on the canvas. To add a raster effect, select it and then use the effect-editing tools on the canvas to add a clipping mask or to use an effect to change the color or transparency.

Enhanced drawing commands with history and undo

Use the new Hint command to access the drawing history, show the last 100 drawings, or list the last 100 drawings.

Version history and undo

Use the new Version History feature to quickly go back and forth between previous versions of a drawing. Each version retains all changes since the last saved version, so you can always return to your previous drawing.

Drawing tools are more dynamic

The new Drawing Tools palette and Toolbar options provide a more dynamic way to access drawing tools. In addition to providing a list of toolbars and palette entries, you can change the display order of tools in the drop-down menus.

The new Timeline extension

The new Timeline extension in AutoCAD makes it easier to draw and edit time-dependent designs, such as engineering drawings, construction drawings, and architectural plans.

A lighter AutoCAD


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz / AMD Athlon 1.8GHz or greater
Memory: 1GB RAM
Hard Drive: 1 GB RAM, 2GB or more for Vista
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or Radeon HD 4670 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0
Sound Card: Supports DirectX 9.0
Network: Broadband internet connection required
Additional Notes: The game requires at least 2GB of RAM and a DirectX




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