



I had this issue in beta1, solved by removing the \? right after the -installer:
curl -sSL \
-O -installer:$file

Dej vesela

Dej vesela (trans. Leave it playful) is the third studio album by Serbian and former Yugoslav singer Dragana Mirković, released in 1982.

Track listing
„E, životinja“
„Društvena stvar“
„Kad budem mala“
„Pojat za kad ili kad“
„U budućnosti“
„Malo ću jednom“
„Poneki teatra“


Category:1982 albums
Category:Dragana Mirković albums
Category:PGP-RTB albumsQ:

How can I list all customizer-pages in a plugin’s directory?

I’m using the Big Head Framework for WordPress. Is there an easy way to list all customizer-pages (the pages with the.php customizer extensions) in a plugin’s directory?


function wpse_header_or_footer() {
global $pagenow, $wp_rewrite;

// By default the customizer is displayed as a header-less page.
// If it’s not the default, use the $pagenow variable to get the full URL.
switch( $pagenow ) {
case ‚customize.php‘ : return home_url( ‚/‘ );
case ‚customize-preview.php‘ : return “. $_SERVER[‚HTTP_HOST‘]. trailingslashit( apply_filters( ‚customize_url‘, home_url( ‚/‘ ) ), ‚wp-admin‘ );

But the code will generate on the right site.
I think i have the right syntax.
here is a the code:
Download And extract the latest version of Command And Conquer Generate Shikari installer
Passed the folder files to Command And Conquer Generate Shikari
Click on Start Registry entry
The installation will start.
Click on Agree & Continue

Author :- Sanjoy

Shikari Generate pro ios version 1.3.1 23 Dec 2020
Posted by Sanjoy Jan 23, 2020
The latest version of Shikari Generate Pro for ios (version 1.3.1) is the product of the team Command & Conquer. The entire team at the moment is committed to provide the best tool for all. A wide range of options are available, from various characters to the way they will generate loot for the mob.
Shikari Generate is a tool that will be the coolest mobi game in the world. This is the best tool to generate all of the mobi and game, including all mobi games and also powerpoint games.
Shikari Generate might contain bugs or errors. Please help us by reporting them. We can not afford to ignore errors. Please report them. Best regards.

Shikari Generate 2020 v1.0.0 Beta
Posted by Victor Prem · Sanjoy Jan 10, 2020
INTRODUCE | Command & Conquer Generate Shikari generator
Shikari generates a wide range of mobi games, including big name games for Android and iOS. This game is a mobi generator, including powerpoint generator game.

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„Shikari Generate“

Shikari Generate’s latest version 1.0.0 Beta is available for android and iOS.

What’s new

Fixed bugs.

Implemented new features.

Story mode.

Download Shikari Generate

How to install

1.First of all download Shikari generate from the link

2.Install it on your android device and open it

3.Choose the mobi generator game. you can choose Mobi generator or PPT generator.

4.Game will start generating your game.

How To Play

1.Touch the screen of the device.

2.Touch the button „Done“ to quit the game.


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